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Sponsor A Student- Agusan Marsh

Sponor a Student from Lake Mambogongon in the magical Agusan Marsh!

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Sponsor A Student- Agusan Marsh

Sponsor a student from Lake Mambogongon in the magical Agusan Marsh Wetlands! For just Php 2,000 a month, you will be able to provide school materials, daily nutritious school lunch (crafted by NVC Nutritionists), Mingo Meals, and travel expenses for the students in the area.

The floating village of Lake Mambogongon in nestled in one of the great lakes of the Agusan Marsh. For hundreds of years, this area was a haven, vibrant with life and livelihood through fishing and hunting. Today, these wetlands face dire consequences from illegal activities that have been threatening the way of life of the Manobo People. Through the Sponsor a Student Program, we stand tall with the guardians of the Marsh, and make way for our collective dreams of this new generation of guardians for this vital ecosystem.

My dream is for the children of the Marsh to finish their education, so that they will be well equipped to be the next guardians of our land - Datu Dario, Lake Mambogongon (translated)
Aerial view of Lake Mambogongon, Agusan Marsh | Issa Barte

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